• Total Recorder VideoPro Edition
  • 軟體版本 : 8.2 Build 4200
  • 軟體分類 : 57音樂相關 (錄音程式)
  • 語言介面 : 英文
  • 作業系統 : Windows(10以下)
  • 軟體性質 : 共享軟體
  • 使用限制 : 請見說明
  • 建議售價 : US:53.95
  • 檔案大小 : 5.88 MB
  • 點閱次數 : 22,789下載次數 : 5,576
  • 更新時間 : 2010/11/26 上午 11:08:33


Total Recorder VideoPro Edition 提供了基本的聲音錄製、轉換以及處理。我們可以透過它錄製網路廣播、串流音樂或是 VoIP,例如:Skype、Google Talk、MSN…等。當然,我們也可以接上麥克風錄製聲音,或是透過 Line-In 的方式錄製外部音源,例如:收音機、隨身聽、LP…等。

From John



  • 支援壓縮或是未壓縮的格式,例如:RIFF-WAV、MP3、WMA、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC 以及 APE
  • 可錄製網路電台、串流音樂或本機的聲音檔,支援一些常見的播放軟體,例如:RealPlayer、Windows Media Player、iTunes、Musicmatch Jukebox、WinAmp…等。
  • 可以錄製 VoIP 或網路電話,例如:Skype、Google Talk、Yahoo voice、MSN…等
  • 可錄製音效卡的音源輸入,例如:麥克風。或是利用雙公接頭音源線,錄製 LP、隨身聽、收音機…等音源
  • 透過其錄製精靈,可讓我們更簡單容易地完成錄製工作
  • 可直接錄製 PCM、MP3、WMA、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC、APE 或其他格式
  • 可於兩支援的聲音格式間做轉換
  • 可建卜或編輯檔案標籤
  • 可利用排程功能播放音樂或是進行錄製
  • 可匯出/匯入組態設定檔以及已排程之工作項目
  • 增益集使用,透過增益集擴充功能,可增加軟體之功能


  • 音效卡
  • 32 位元或 64 位元之 Windows XP、Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 之作業系統


The Total Recorder family of products includes the Standard Edition (SE), Professional Edition (PE), VideoPro Edition (VE) and the Developer Edition (DE). This chart provides a quick reference showing the main features that are available in each edition. Refer to the Main Features page for more information on a particular feature.

- feature present in this edition, - feature disabled


Support of audio/video formats

Compressed and uncompressed RIFF-WAV


Ogg Vorbis (1)

WMA (Windows Media Audio)


APE (Monkey's Audio)

High-quality audio formats (upper formats with more than 16 bits per sample or a sample rate of more than 48kHz)

Play multi-channel audio files in stereo (2)


WMV (Windows Media Video)

FLV (Flash Video)

Sound Recording
Digital recording using Total Recorder's driver
Analog recording via sound card (microphone, line-in, CD, etc.)

Record both parties in an Internet-telephony conversation

Recording Wizard

Convert to a supported sound format on the fly

Pre-recording feature

Auto-stop recording feature

Direct capturing (background recording) of an Internet audio stream

Time shift feature for the playback of recorded data during a recording
Pause reduction feature

Mixed recording from both software and a sound board

Video Recording (3)

Capture video from a screen

Record video from a video capture device, such as a web camera

Record video from a DV camera

Convert to a supported video format on the fly

Direct capturing (background recording) of an Internet video stream in WMV or FLV format

Support for video files that contain multiple audio streams (4)
Support for multiple monitors

Auto file creation, splitting and tagging

While recording, split the audio based on various criteria (i.e. size, time, pause in sound, changed clip info, and manually)

Use captured clip information to tag a file being recorded

Create files with names based on file name generation rules

Audio/Video Editing and Processing

Select and save a fragment of a file
Cut, copy, paste, and delete selected fragments
Insert a file into an existing file

Insert a video file into an existing video file

Normalize sound
Apply fade-In/fade-out effects to a sound file

Insert a portion of silence into an audio file

Mix an audio file with another audio file or the clipboa
Save stereo file as mono with channel mixing

Add or replace audio streams in a video file

Extract audio and video streams from a video file

Audio/Video Conversion

Convert an audio file from one supported sound format to another

Convert a video file from one supported sound/video format to another


Schedule a playback or recording of an audio file

Schedule a playback or recording of a video file

Schedule direct capturing (background recording) of an Internet audio stream

Schedule direct capturing (background recording) of an Internet video stream

Start a scheduled job from standby mode or hibernate mode

Automatically launch an Internet transmission or an arbitrary program based on a schedule

Put a computer in standby or hibernate mode after job is completed

Perform post-processing of a recorded file

Tag Support

Read/edit/write tags (including artwork info) for each supported file format


Support playlists in M3U, PLS and WPL formats

Display statistics, including total duration and total size

Cue Support

Support standard cue files

Add/edit/delete cue points (bookmarks)

Split a file based on cue points


Add a file, playlist, or URL to your Favorites
Export/import favorites for backup purposes
Use predefined sample links

Maintain a history of opened files and links

Add-on Support
Spectrum Analyzer and Graphic Equalizer Add-on
Audio Restoration Add-on
AGC and Speech Enhancement Add-on
Digital Mixer Add-on
Send to iTunes/iPod Add-on
Ogg Vorbis Support Add-on
User Interface
Skins support
Customizable shortcuts
Customizable global hot keys
Batch Processing

Process multiple files at one time (for example, to change the format, normalize, apply an add-on, split, etc.)

Send Recorded files to iTunes/iPod (5)
Process recorded files through a command line
Run a command line after recording session is complete


Sound image display that shows a graphic representation of sound data

Playback an audio file at a slower or faster speed

Playback a video file at a slower or faster speed

Make Total Recorder the default system program for certain types of files


Control Total Recorder through a COM interface

  1. A no-cost Ogg Vorbis add-on is required.
  2. Provided that an appropriate codec is installed.
  3. DirectX version 9.0 or later required
  4. This feature allows you to select an audio stream to play, select a particular audio stream to save as an audio file, or to select the audio streams to save when re-saving a video file that contains multiple audio streams.
  5. With the Send to iTunes/iPod add-on.
From highcriteria website



適用於 Windows 的最佳免費聲音增強器,FxSound 可以在 Windows 系統上幫你提升音量、低音和音質。

音樂 : FxSound 糾正了您的設備和壓縮音訊的限制。
視訊遊戲 : 環繞聲讓您完全沉浸在虛擬世界中。
電視和電影 : FxSound 可以平滑和改善您喜愛的節目和電影的音訊。
轉錄 : FxSound 提高您聲音的清晰度以保持您的理智。



適用於 Windows 的最佳免費聲音增強器,FxSound 可以在 Windows 系統上幫你提升音量、低音和音質。

音樂 : FxSound 糾正了您的設備和壓縮音訊的限制。
視訊遊戲 : 環繞聲讓您完全沉浸在虛擬世界中。
電視和電影 : FxSound 可以平滑和改善您喜愛的節目和電影的音訊。
轉錄 : FxSound 提高您聲音的清晰度以保持您的理智。


Backup4all 9.9.916 安裝版

一個 Windows 作業系統建立備份副本的程式,可保護您的資料免於部分或全部遺失,Backup4all 自動建立備份副本並壓縮資料(使用標準 Zip 算法)以節省磁碟空間,並可以加密資料以防止外部瀏覽。


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